What We Provide
Are meals provided?
Children are provided with a nutritious breakfast, lunch and mid-afternoon snack – daily. Our programs belong to the CACFP (The Child and Adult Care Food Program). We follow their meal guidelines in order to better serve our students.
What activities do you provide?
Both locations have large indoor and outdoor play areas for the children to engage in. Our curriculum is based on the individual needs of the children in our care. We have bi-weekly themes and provide opportunities for development in all areas of education, including Math, Language, Science, Sensory, Practical Life, Fine Motor Skills, and Arts & Crafts.
Is there a place for my child to nap if needed?
Yes, individual cots and Pack ‘n Plays for children are provided. Individual sheets are also provided and washed on-site weekly.
At what age can my child enroll?
Care is provided for children from six weeks old up until kindergarten. We also care for up to four school-age children.
What is your student/teacher ratio?
As per OCFS regulations, student to teacher ratios are 6:1. Children under 2 years old follow a 2:1 ratio. At Our House we prefer to have an additional staff member available at all times to keep all of our children safe and happy!
Do you offer after-school care?
Yes, we offer before and after-school care until 6pm. Transportation can be arranged.
The learning center at Our House.